Earth Day 2020


In the 1980’s there were an estimated 1.2 million elephants in Africa, and the latest survey shows there are now around 400,000... A shocking demise which has occurred in my own lifetime, and the result of savage poaching and human/wildlife conflict. On this most poignant of Earth Days, I am sat here wondering; How many more years will I be visiting these innocent, orphaned victims?⁣ ⁣

Despite some recent gains in elephant conservation, the worry now is, that with the sudden, unexpected standstill in African tourism (an industry that provides millions of jobs, and sees large percentages of their costs go back into local communities and wildlife protection) a spike in poaching is likely expected with vital incomes being lost, and safeguarding wildlife becoming harder and more dangerous; Threatened and endangered animals may become the additional casualties of the pandemic.⁣ ⁣

Conservation groups are now calling on finance ministers to make the protection of nature a cornerstone of their Covid 19 economic recovery plans; Our most precious wildlife cannot rely on tourism and donations alone anymore - We need governmental commitment to both planet and wildlife preservation!! ⁣

Also - Please don’t cancel your safari, just postpone it... It is money you will never invest better - and it goes a long way to preserving, protecting and supporting some of our world’s most special ecosystems, wildlife, and people.

Head over to my friend’s pages at Ol Malo, House in the Wild and The Safari Collection for some travel inspo, to Space for Giants to join their #AHealthyEarth campaign, and to my sister, Claire Eastwood, an African travel expert, to get planning your future African adventures!


⁣ Then and Now: Both pictures were taken at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (major shout out to the full 80’s commitment of scrunchie AND terry toweling shorts... Strong!)

Earth Day 2019


We are amidst the largest period of species extinction in the last 60 million years. Shocking, in the last 50 years alone, the populations of all mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have fallen by an average of 60%…

With today being Earth Day, I thought I might talk a little more about some of my long legged friends back in Kenya. What many people don’t know, is that the wild animals living around the Safari Collection’s famous Giraffe Manor hotel are part of the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife’s vital breeding programme for the Rothschild Giraffe, one of the three sub-species of giraffe found in Kenya. All nine sub-species of giraffe across Africa are fighting a ‘silent extinction,’ being overshadowed in the press by other endangered animals. There are approx 500,000 wild elephant left in Africa for instance, whilst there are only 90,000 giraffe!!!! I was so shocked and saddened to hear this statistic. Similar to elephant, giraffe populations have suffered dramatically from illegal hunting, habitat loss and human/wildlife conflict, and the Rothschild, in particular, have really struggled.

However, due in big part to the amazing work of the AFEW, the Rothschild population in Kenya has increased from 80 to 800 individuals in the last 30 years, with 50 of those giraffe being the babies of breeding pairs reintroduced back into the wild from the Manor’s neighbouring Giraffe Centre. My heart hurts at the thought of a world without these beautiful long lashed and even longer legged giants, and the moments spent with them are never lost on me


“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make...” Dr. Jane Goodall.

In my opinion, every damn day should be Earth Day... 🌍 #ExtinctionIsForever


World Wildlife Day 2019: #DoOneThingToday


Today is World Wildlife Day, time to reflect upon the amazing and beautiful creatures we share this planet with, and that we must unite together to protect. Global populations of mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians having fallen by 60% in the last 50 years! If there was a 60% decline in the human population, it would be the equivalent of emptying North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceana... That is what our species has done - and within one generation!!

The challenges that our wildlife is facing are often large and complex, and it’s normal to feel personally powerless. However, small actions add up to a much larger solution – making the difference between a species surviving or disappearing forever... With that in mind, whether it’s donating to conservation projects and supporting those on the front line (I recommend Local Ocean Conservation, For Rangers, The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, WWF UK and Tusk), spending time learning more about how the everyday items you consume may be affecting the environment and it’s inhabitants, or be it volunteering or spreading awareness, try and #DoOneThingToday to make a difference and help wildlife conservation!


Wearing: Wyse London’s ‘Conservation Cashmere’ which saw 100% of its profits donated to The Aspinall Foundation’s #BackToTheWild conservation projects. Over the past few years the foundation has released 8 black rhino, 49 Javan langurs, 9 Javan gibbon, 11 European bison and over 60 western lowland gorillas back to their natural habitat, with many more releases to come this year.

Uzma Bozai's Africa Collection (Donating 10% to For Rangers)


I’m always one for mixing a casual tee with something smarter, and the minute it gets chillier the tee is replaced with a sweatshirt. Never out of style, and always comfortable (not something regularly associated with fashion, let’s be honest!) the sweatshirt is a great way to dress down and bring a little casual-cool to your favourite pair of velvet or leather trousers, or maxi and pencil skirts.  I was therefore, thrilled to discover Uzma Bozai’s namesake brand, my now go-to for colourful, bold and intricately embellished sweatshirts. 


This season, Uzma Bozai have released a collection of sweatshirts inspired by Kenya’s beautiful Masai Mara, featuring hand-beaded tribal art, wild animals and statement slogans derived from African proverbs.  Not only is the Africa Collection ultra wearable and all things hella cool cat, but after learning about For Rangers and their incredible work through following me on Instagram, Uzma Bozai will be donating 10% from each Africa sweatshirt to the cause until Christmas. 


I have supported For Rangers, a campaign in conjunction with Tusk, all year with Auree Jewellery by donating to them the profits of our Tembo Bracelet collaboration

The project was started by friends of mine back in Kenya, a dedicated group of individuals, with no overheads or running costs, who raise money for the welfare of rangers on the frontline of this battle to save elephants by undertaking insane feats to help raise money to support them.  Over the last two years, the group have completed, amongst many others, the 'Marathon de Sables' across the Sahara Desert, the ‘Beyond The Ultimate’ Jungle Run in Peru, and last week, the ‘Desert Ultra’ across 250km of Namibia. Legends, or what?! 


Please consider buying a sweatshirt or bracelet this Christmas, and supporting For Rangers and the brave heroes on the front line of the battle to save Africa's endangered wildlife.


Read my interview with Uzma Bozai HERE

Photography: Frances Davison

Hair: Taylor Taylor London

Friday Feathers with Matthew Williamson

There is nothing, nooothing, that can put you in more of a party mood than one of Matthew Williamson’s signature cocktail dresses.  From the intricate, sparkling embellishment, to their ostrich-feather trimmed skirt, these show stopping, conversation starting, razamatazz inducing, form-fitting dresses are unashamedly feminine and oodles fun.  Some of my most frivolous and fanciful nights in London have been spent shimmying around in one of these fancies.  Ohhhh, the stories they could (but thankfully won’t) tell…!

I recently enjoyed the most unashamedly girly morning with the ‘Gown Gang’ playing dress up in Matthew Williamson’s new Belvoir Collection (see more here).  With Brown’s Hotel acting as our lavish host, Charlotte Tilbury’s team on hand to make us look our best, and an army of Jimmy Choo beauties standing to attention, I couldn’t help but try the Matthew’s latest, one-of-a-kind, Rose Lace Feather delight on to share with you.  Friday - Watch out, buddy!

Above:  Wearing the 9ct Gold Satao (RRP. £140.00) and the Silver Shina (RRP. £50.00) bracelets from my Tembo Collection with Auree Jewellery (100% profits of entire collection go to For Rangers and wildlife conservation across Africa - See More Here) and an Assya London Oriental Cross Ring (RRP. £195.00)

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TLC LOVES... Matthew Williamson Feathers

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Kelly Eastwood - WEB Edits (10 of 14).jpg

Photographer:  Moeez Ali

Hair:  Secret Spa

Nails:  Sophie Gass


Today is World Earth Day.  

Plastic in the ocean now outnumbers sea life six to one, with straws making up a huge part of that. I wish all restaurants/cafes/bars/clubs would start using eco-friendly alternatives (bamboo for instance), or ask their customers if they wanted a straw in the first place?! Perhaps If they charged extra for the use of them, like supermarkets do with plastic bags, we'd consciously take a moment to question if we really needed one.

Let's all start to #RefuseTheStraw! A small easy step towards protecting our planet and it's wildlife.